
10th Century Norse Dyes

A multipart project exploring the dye stuffs identified in an assortment of textiles, mostly grave goods, found in various Norse settlements dated to 900-1000 CE.

This project included growing, processing, and using dye stuffs identified in the archaelogical record, then recreating combinations of various dyes and mordants on different types of fiber to get a wide range of colors.

12th Century Norman Clothing

An ongoing project to create clothing based on extant garments, as well as surviving artwork and manuscript illuminations.

Posts relating to this project include notes on both research and garment construction, as well as images of finished clothing items.

Carolingian Garden

An ongoing project to build a productive garden based on the Capitularies of Charlemange.

Experiments with growing specific plants, as well as experiences with use of agricultural technology available to the Carolingians can be found in the posts relating to this project.

Recent Projects

& Works in Progress